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By Matushka Mary Slipko

Another year has come to an end with very successful results under the leadership of our Sisterhood President Isabella Chounikhina. We could proudly say that the ladies of the Sisterhood have worked very hard this past year and were able to put into the Church treasury a total of $15,872.00. This could not have been executed without the dedication of the President Isabella; Vice-President Tatiana Nesterova; Secretary Sandra Ellis; Treasurer Lioudmila Darialova and all the ladies of the parish who have helped throughout the year. Thanks very much for your great efforts!

Elections of the new officers were held during the Sisterhood meeting on February 10, 2002, and the following officers were elected as follows: President, Isabella Tchnichena; Vice-President, Sandra Ellis; Secretary, Gloria Prystupa; Treasurer, Natasha Suvorova; Church Beautification, Olga Fetissoff, Ksana Kulik and Gloria Prystupa; Phone Committee, Natalie Andruff, Marina Koskinen and Nina Chudin. Anyone wishing to contribute their talents, new ideas or time to help the Sisterhood please contact one of the ladies listed above. We welcome everyone!

Please remember the following: Easter Bake Sale and Food will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2002. Anyone wishing to donate homebaking is encouraged to please do so. Your support will be greatly appreciated!

Another date to remember will be announced later for spring cleanup of the church grounds.

We are planning to have another Rummage Sale in September. If anyone is doing major spring cleaning in their home and would like to get rid of some stuff you may donate it to the church for this upcoming sale.

The Lord will give strength to his people. The Lord will bless his people with peace.

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