By Matushka Mary Slipko ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ON SUNDAY MARCH 23, 2003 Another year has come to close with very successful results under the leadership of our Sisterhood President Isabella Chunikhina. We could proudly say that the ladies of the Sisterhood have worked very hard this past year and were able to put into the Continue reading NEWS FROM THE SISTERHOOD CORNER (for year 2002) The Ladies’ Auxiliary was formed right from the outset. Its functions include fund-raising bazaars (held once or twice a year), banquets, and general cleaning up of the church. In 1986 the name was changed to the Sisterhood of Myrrh-Bearing Women. The Sisterhood has its own Executive, holds its own meetings, but turns all monies Continue reading THE SISTERHOOD TASKS 2002 February 17 Sisterhood Annual Meetting February 24 Bliny March 10 Induction of the Executives 12:00 noon March 17 Church vestment exchange 2:00 pm April 7 Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross April 27 Lazarus’s Saturday Bake Sale 12:00 noon – Decorated willow branches May 3 Plashchenitza – flowers 10:00 am – Decoration of the Continue reading THE SISTERHOOD SCHEDULE FOR 2002 By Matushka Mary Slipko Another year has come to an end with very successful results under the leadership of our Sisterhood President Isabella Chounikhina. We could proudly say that the ladies of the Sisterhood have worked very hard this past year and were able to put into the Church treasury a total of $15,872.00. This Continue reading NEWS FROM THE SISTERHOOD CORNER (for year 2001) Dear Fr. Michael, members of the Russian Orthodox Society and all parishioners of Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Church! During the past year, our Sisterhood was involved in many activities. The Sisterhood prepared and served Sunday luncheons and held two very successful bazaars at Christmas and Easter. Many women from the parish gathered and together enjoyed Continue reading Sisterhood report for year 2000 FEBRUARY 27, 2000 Father Michael, members of the sisterhood and other members of the Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church of Vancouver. I would like to thank all the ladies that came out and helped in the kitchen and out in putting on lunches and any and all other activities that we had in the past year. Continue reading Sisterhood report for year 1999 |
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