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21 апр 2024 состоится Годовое собрание прихода

Христос посреди нас!

Дорогие прихожане Свято-Воскресенского Собора!

В воскресенье 21 апреля 2024 после службы и Обеда (в складчину) в 12:30 мы начнем наше Годовое Общеприходское Собрание.

Если Вы уплатили взнос, но не можете присутствовать на собрании, пожалуйста, подпишите и передайте Доверенность другому лицу, который является действительным членом Прихода, и который сможет проголосовать от Вашего имени.

Понятие Член Прихода

В соответствии с Уставом нашего Прихода Членом Прихода является прихожанин, регулярно посещающий церковные службы, участвующий в ежегодных и чрезвычайных собраниях Прихода, принимающий участие в общественной жизни, оплачивающий ежегодные членские взносы…

Основным правом Членов Прихода (кроме участия в церковных службах) является Право Голоса на собраниях при принятии решений о жизни и финансовой деятельности Прихода.

Оплата членских взносов

Членский взнос в этом году составляет $140. Спасибо всем, кто уже заплатил заранее. Деньги (чеки) передаются казначею Храма Павлу Сорокину. Собранные деньги используются для исполнения ежегодной сметы прихода, утверждаемой Общим Собранием (оплата счетов, поддержание строений…).

Суммы ежегодного взноса включаются в Персональные Квитанции о пожертвованиях на Храм, учитываемые при расчетах налоговых платежей (Tax Return).

Было бы хорошо, если все могли бы оплатить членский взнос полностью или частично до собрания 21 апреля 2024. При этом Вы получаете право голоса на Общем Собрании прихода.

После Литургии 21 апреля 2024 г. (перед собранием) будет Пот-лак. Просьба принести одно блюдо для общего стола.

Да благословит Вас Господь!

Ваш во Христе,
Протоиерей Михаил Фурик,
настоятель прихода

Документы к Годовому Собранию Прихода 21 апреля 2024 года


75 - 43rd Avenue East, Vancouver, B.C.   V5W 1S7


April 21, 2024 at 12:30 pm 


 1.  Opening prayer and Memory Eternal for the Departed Clergy and Parishioners

  1. Appointing of the Chairperson and the Secretary by Rector  
  2. Determination of a Quorum
  3. Adoption of the Agenda
  4. Minutes of Previous Meeting, April 7, 2019 (read at home)
  5. Reports: 1-Rector, 2 -Starosta, 3 -Treasurer, 4 -Culture and Educat., 5 -Auditors
  6. Adoption of the Parish Budget
  7. Announcement of the Parish Council by the Rector
  8. Appointing of Parish Trustees

9.1 Sub-deacon  A. J. Morley, D. Ouchmarov , G. Ovdak ???

  1. Current Business

10.1   Exterior Painting of the Church and the Church Hall -- Done

10.2   New tiles were installed on Church Entrance steps and Breezeway – Done

10.3   New tiles in both washrooms -- Done

  1. New Business

11.1 Jubilee – 100th Anniversary of Holy Resurrection – October 20, 2024

  1. a) Plan of Jubilee celebration (presented by Fr. Michael)

11.2  Purchasing a new runner for church (including vestibule) – Collin Chin

11.3  Fundraising  for 100th Anniversary – A. Grountsev

11.4  Increase the annual membership dues from $140 to $150 – Arthur Kostiha

11.5  Renovation of: Iconostas, 5 Kiots, 2 Icons, Base of Crucifixion, Kanoon…Fr. Michael

11.6  Main walkway (Entrance) – Collin Chin

  1. Adjournment
  2. Closing Prayer


If you have not paid your annual membership dues which is $140.00.  It would be very much    appreciated if you could please pay the amount in advance of the meeting. You may pay in 2 or          3 installments. Thank You.

  All Documents you received, please bring them to the Meeting.


Parish Council    _______________________________    The Rector


Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Sobor

75 East 43 Ave, Vancouver, BC, V5W 1S7

Minutes of Annual Parish Meeting – 7th April 2019


  1. Opening prayer and Memory Eternal for the Departed Parishioners: Rev. Fr. Michael Fourik led an opening prayer and a memorial for the Departed Parishioners. The meeting was called to order at 12:55 PM. V. Rev. Fr. Michael welcomed everyone to the 2019 Annual Meeting.
  2. Appointing of the Chairperson and Secretary by Rector: V. Rev. Fr. Michael requested Alexander Grountsev, to chair the meeting and that Sub-Deacon Jason-Aleksandr Morley continue to act as Secretary.
  3. Determination of a Quorum: A quorum was confirmed – specifically, 54 out of 60 Voting Members were present either in person or via Proxy.
  4. Adoption of the Agenda: Motion moved by Olga Kichenko and seconded by Michael Popovich – Motion Carried.
  5. Minutes of Previous Meeting – 11th March 2018: Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting was moved by Gennadi Ovdak and seconded by German Ovodov - Motion Carried.
  6. Reports:
    • Rector’s Report – was read aloud (Copy of the report is attached)
    • Church Warden (Starosta) – was read aloud (Copy of the report is attached)
    • Treasure’s Report – was read aloud (Copy of the report is attached)
    • Culture & Education Report – was read aloud (Copy of the report is attached)
    • Auditors Report – Summary of Report was read aloud (Report will be presented in detail to the Parish Council)
  7. Adoption of the Parish Budget: Pavel Sorokin, Treasurer, presented the 2019 Parish Budget. Motion to accept the 2019 Parish Budget, moved by Sub-Deacon Jason-Aleksandr Morley and seconded by Michael Popovich - Motion Carried.
  8. Announcement of the Parish Council: Rev. Fr. Michael announced the following as the Parish Council for 2019;

MEMBERS: V. Rev. Fr. Michael (Rector & Chairperson), Arthur Kostiha (Church Warden/Starosta), Michael Popovich (Assistant Starosta & Property Manager), Pavel Sorokin (Treasurer), Sub-Deacon, Jason-Aleksandr Morley (Secretary).

MEMBERS AT LARGE: George Povorozniuk

There was no Motion necessary for the acceptance of the 2019 Parish Council as per parish By-Laws.

  1. Appointing of Parish Trustees: Rev. Fr. Michael announced the following as the Parish Trustees for 2019;
    • Sub-Deacon and Reader, Jason-Aleksandr Morley, Secretary, Ouchmarov Dimitri & Ovdak, Gennadi. There was no Motion necessary for the acceptance of the 2019 Parish Trustees as per parish by-laws.
  2. Current (Old) Business:
    • Cemetery Project to discuss: Brief Report - by Sub-Deacon, Jason-Aleksandr Morley: A report was presented by Sub-Deacon, Jason-Aleksandr Morley to the effect that the Cemetery project is now complete.
    • BC Assessment to discuss: A report was presented by Sub-Deacon, Jason-Aleksandr Morley to the effect that the matter of BC Assessment wishing to tax our Parish (property tax) is in fact being challenged by the Parish Council and that we have retained a lawyer whom is assisting us in this matter.
    • Church re-roofing project to discuss: Brief Report - by V. Rev. Fr. Michael: A report was presented by V. Rev. Fr. Michael to the effect that the Church re-roofing project project is now complete and that the Parish now has a long-term and durable metal-roof.
  3. New Business
    • Church Domes to wash in July 2019: Brief Report - by V. Rev. Fr. Michael: A report was presented by V. Rev. Fr. Michael to the effect that the Church Domes (cleaning of Domes) project is planned from July 2019.
    • Peeling of Paint inside the Church – brief discussion regarding Peeling of Paint inside the Church - V. Rev. Fr. Michael to look into this.
  4. Adjournment: There being no further business, Alexander Grountsev declared the meeting adjourned @ 1418 hrs. (2:18 PM) (Motion to Adjourn was moved by Arthur Kostiha, Starosta and seconded by Irina Grountsev– Motion Carried.
  5. Closing Prayer: Rev. Fr. Michael Fourik led a closing prayer and thanked all for attending.

Respectfully submitted;

Sub-Deacon, Jason-Aleksandr

Secretary of the Parish

Holy Resurrection Russian Orthodox Sobor Vancouver, BC



***V. Rev. Fr. Michael, Rector & Sub-Deacon, Jason-Aleksandr Morley, Secretary


75 East 43rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V5W 1S7

Phone: 604-325-1922   Fax: 604-323-1996   Website:  www.holyres.org



Meeting date: April 21, 2024

 Meeting place: 75 E. 43rd Ave, Vancouver, BC


The undersigned voting member of the parish hereby appoints




as proxy holder for and on behalf of the undersigned with the power of substitution to attend, act and vote for and on behalf of myself in respect of all matters that may have properly come before the Annual General Meeting and at every adjournment thereof, to the same extent and with the same powers as if the undersigned member were present at the meeting or in nature thereof.




_______________________________                                _____________________________________

Signature                                                                       Print name




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